However, as money in future is worth less than money now, the creditor suffers losses from the discount factor. 但是,由于未来货币价值没有现在多,债权人要损失一部分。
Using the data of the project mentioned above, if we select a2% discount factor, we get a positive NPV of$ 8. 用上述例子中的数据,用2%的折现率净现值为正8。
Based on an analysis of the theories of state price and stochastic discount factor in financial economics, the paper makes the conclusion that asset pricing is concerned with behaviors. 本文基于金融经济学中状态价格与随机折现因子等理论的分析,认为资产定价会受到行为因素的影响。
To find the net present value ( NPV) each of the cash flows is multiplied by the appropriate discount factor. These are then added up and the initial investment deducted. 为计算净现值应将每一笔现金流量乘以适当的折现系数,然后求和并从中减掉原始投资。
With a comparative static game model, we come to the conclusions as follows: The amount of tax evasion is negative to degree of punishment, discount factor and supervision probability of the government, while it is positive to tax rate. 通过建立一个比较静态博弈模型,并对模型求解,得出:纳税人的逃税额与惩罚力度、纳税人的贴现因子以及政府的监管概率成反比,与税率成正比;
And its research can be divided into two aspects: one is the expansion of Capital Asset Pricing Theory ( CAPM) and the other is the empirical analysis of the model. First, CAPM was analyzed theoretically and traditional CAPM was combined with the discount factor& m. 首先,本文从理论上分析了资本资产定价理论模型,把折现因子m同传统的CAPM结合起来。
Externality, Discount Factor and Merger Incentive 外部性、贴现因子与兼并动机
When the discount factor is sufficient, in other words when the government is not too short-sighted, influencing the stock market does not always brings maximum utility for government. 而在贴现因子足够大,亦即政府的目光并不太短浅的情况下,调控证券市场未必能够给政府带来最大效用。
Pricing NCD System with Different Discount Levels Dynamic Risk Aversion, Stochastic Discount Factor and Asset Pricing 多级无赔款优待系统的定价动态风险厌恶、随机贴现因子与资产定价
Study on Determining Discount Factor in the Analysis of Consumer Behaviour 消费者行为分析中贴现因子的确定方法研究
As for degree of taxation supervision, it is negative to degree of punishment, square of discount factor and cost of government supervision, while it is positive to square of tax rate. 而政府所需的税收监管力度与惩罚力度、纳税人贴现因子的平方以及政府的监管成本成反比,与税率的平方成正比;
Compared to the static optimal contracts, the dynamic ones are much more complex and will be affected by the value of discount factor. 与静态最优合约相比,动态最优合约形式更为复杂,并且可能受到贴现因子的影响。
In order to distribute value immediately, each firm's bargaining power is represented by discount factor and each firm's value distribution is determined the price of intermediate product. 为了实现价值的当期分配,用贴现因子代表各企业的讨价还价能力,用中间产品的价格决定供应链各企业的价值利润的分配。
The numerical examples show that, with the application of these global optimization methods, an average-cost problem is the limitation of a discounted problem as the discount factor goes to zero. 数值例子说明,全局优化方法保证了平均准则和折扣准则下的计算结果之间当折扣因子趋近于零时的极限关系成立。
Finally, a numerical example is provided, and the results show that the average-cost criteria is the limitation of discounted-cost criteria as the discount factor goes to zero for our NDP optimization. 文中最后给出一个数值仿真实例,实验结果表明平均准则下的NDP优化方法足折扣准则当折扣因子趋近于零的极限情况。在资金的组织上,把主要精力放在低成本存款上。
The actuarial formula of pure premium of the whole life insurance is discussed, as discount factor is random. 在贴现因子为随机的条件下,给出终身寿险纯保费的精算公式。
This paper introduces the emergence and development of asset-pricing theory, and then focuses on the stochastic discount factor model ( SDF) and the empirical study. 介绍了资产定价理论的产生和发展,主要分析了随机折现因子模型(SDF)及其实证研究。
If financial market have been in the Steady State, the product of the stochastic discount factor and must have been less than one. 当金融市场处于稳态时,随机折现因子和的乘积一定小于1;
The optimal innovation size of group-corporation depends on discount factor, its type, price and wage. 集团公司的最优创新大小依赖于贴现因子、它的类型、价格和工资。
The Analysis of Stochastic Discount Factor 随机折现因子分析
Dynamic Risk Aversion, Stochastic Discount Factor and Asset Pricing 动态风险厌恶、随机贴现因子与资产定价
Through the stochastic discount factor model, it is easy to understand some classical problems of modern finance, such as arbitrage pricing theory and risk neutral pricing, etc. Asset pricing models are unified under the stochastic discount factor frame. 现代金融学的许多经典问题,如套利定价原理以及风险中性定价等都可以用随机折现因子模型理解,随机折现因子模型是资产定价模型的统一框架。
I developed comprehensive discount factor of bargaining process through evolutionary learning theory. 通过进化学习思想建立了讨价还价过程中双方的综合贴现因子模型。
The index system includes local utilization potential, actual runoff, discount factor of slope runoff and runoff potential. 该指标体系包括:就地利用潜力指标r1、实际径流指标u、坡地径流的折减系数K和径流潜力指标r2。
Also this thesis analyzed the discount factor of the bargaining model and conducted application research combined with instances. 本文还分析了讨价还价模型中贴现因子的影响因素,并结合实际节能改造项目给出了模型算例。
While the greater the short-term discount factor, the intensity down the search, the matching between searcher and those jobs becomes more difficult, thereby it will increase equilibrium unemployment rate. 而短期贴现因子越大,则搜寻强度下降,搜寻者与工作职位之间的匹配变得越困难,从而提高均衡失业率。
The establishment of a tripartite game model of oil from the oil and gas game results, the performance of cooperative game force strength of the discount factor is an important factor in game results. 建立了油气三方博弈模型,从油气博弈结果来看,表现合作博弈力量强弱的贴现因子是影响博弈结果的重要因素。
Secondly, the coefficient of risk aversion is possibly some low, the subjective discount factor is some high, the factor of social status is in the middle level, and the elasticity of intertemporal substitution is some low. 我国个人投资者风险规避系数较低、主观折现因子较高,社会地位重视程度处于中等水平,跨期替代弹性较低。
Moreover, the equation still includes three parameters: output elasticity of labor, subjective utility discount factor and relative risk aversion. 另外,该方程还包含了三个待估计参数:各产业劳动产出弹性以及消费者的主观效用贴现因子和风险规避系数。